Takelma Dictionary

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(at) here - emè’
above - kitíi
acorn - yaná
acorn dough - xníkh
acorn hopper - póown
acorn mush - xníkh
across - han-
afternoon - hapeepiní tihaùta
aging - hòsau
alive - yòthi
all - altíi
all gone - pús
all together - almiì’s
among - katál
and - -(i)si'
and - -tíil
animal - síim
ant - t’ipisiì
arm - puupiní
arrow - wiláu
at - al-
at night - xuù’n
at noon - hapeepiní
at what time? - hèmti
autumn - tayoowkàm
away - hee'-
away from here - emètis
awl - yeexí
baby - tukúm
basket - k’olói
basket cup - k'ànak'as
basket plate - p’eè'l
bear - mená
beargrass - keèth
beautiful - altúu
beaver - spíin
because - ka'ál
becomes - laalíi
becomes - laalíikhwa
before - keté
behind - kitiì'
belly - thkálthkil
between - kaxáa
beyond - hee'-
big - páals
big - mahái
bird - súux
black - altʰkém
black shell - ohóph
blanket - láps
blind - kúums
blood - yóom
blue - alk'iyìxnatʰ
bluejay - ts'aì's
board - heelám
bobcat - yáakʰw
both - -tíil
breakfast - kwel’wáakhwi’-xumá
breast - kèlx
brown - almená
brown bear - mená
burden basket - yeléx
but - -(i)si'
buzzard - moxò
by day - pée'n
camas - tíiph
canoe - eyí
car - eyí-thkéelxii
catfish - sinkhwak'waà
cattail rush mat - lep'ées
cattail rushes - lep'ées
cedar - lóom
cemetery - yáax
cheek - tak’oloìtax
chest - kèlx
chicken - móx
child - háapxi
children - háapxi
chipmunk - kwìskwas
city - wìli-kwalá
cloud - haayí
cold - thkúun
color - kós-yawaàte
cooking basket - k'él-meheliì
cougar - húulkh
cow - thkáa-mená
Cow Creek People - Nahánkʰuotana
coyote - skìsi
crane (bird) - méex
crawfish - lipíis
creek - wáx
crow - méel
cup - k'ànak'as
It’s Cold - Tʰkuuniyaù’ It is cold Pronounced: t-goon-ih-YAH-OO English part of speech: Sentence | Takelma part of speech: Sentence
dad - máxa
dancer - hoità’s
day - pée
dead - xilám
dead person - xilám
deep - súns
deer - p’iyín
delicious - tatúu
dentalia - ts’úlx
destroyed - pús
dew - simíl
dinner - tahóowxa-xumá
dirt - p’ól
ditch - p’ól
divided by - ts’iwitán
doctor - yap'a koyó
dog - ts’ìxi
downriver - nóow
dress - túukhw
dry - xúm
duck - séem
dust - màxla
dust - p’ól
dying - xilám
eagle - yulúm
ear - taànx
earth - thkáa
eight - ha'iixín
eighteen - ìxtiil ha'iixín katákʰ
eighty - ha’iixìntan ìxtiil
elbow - ts’iliìk’i
elderly - woownaàkhw
eleven - ìxtiil miì'ska' katákʰ
elk - thkám
employee - iiheekwàkhwsii
empty - hapilám
empty underneath - hakwelpilám
enemy - wúlx
equals - laalíi
equals - laalíikhwa
evening - tahóowxa
every - -wì’
every evening - tahoowxawì’
every morning - kwel’wáakhwi'wì'
everyone - altíi
everything - khài kwalá
excrement - láh
eye - ts'èlei
face - liùkwax
facing - al-
fall - tayoowkàm
falls - tiiyú
family - khwìnax
family member - khwìnax
fat - yámx
father - máxa
feather - leeph
field - thkáa
fifteen - ìxtiil téehal katákʰ
fifty - téehaltan ìxtiil
finished - kweltí
fir tree -
fire - p'íi
firewood - p'íi
fish - khülǘüm
fit - ts’ámx
five - téehal
flea - t’ewéex
flint - p’oxóm
flute - xteyíth
fly - púus
food - xumá
foot - sálx
forest - péem-kwalá
forty - kamkàman ìxtiil
four - kamkàm
fourteen - ìxtiil kamkàm katákʰ
fox - yolá
friend - k'uuyám
frog - lapháam
from - ka'ál
woods - péem-kwalá
ghost - xilám
go hunting - alhuuyúux-
go hunting - alhúuyx-
good - túu
good afternoon - hapeepiní tihaùta túu
good day - pée túu
good day - túu pée
good morning - kwel’wáakhwi’ túu
good night - xuù’n túu
good-sounding - taatúu
goose - hà’khaa
gopher - thiìs
grass - k'waayí
grasshopper - piiyú
graveyard - yáax
graveyard houe - yáax-wìli
grease - yámx
green - althkisámth
grey - alkʰò’px
grizzly bear - xámkh
grouse - móx
growing older - hòsau
hail - ts'elám
hand - iìyux
handsome - túu
having - -kwath
hazel brush - thkwíil
hazelnut - thkwíil ts’iìkhta
hazelnut - thkwíil
he - áakh
head - tàkax
healthy - ts’ámx
hello - pée túu
hello - túu pée
her - áakh
hi - pée túu
hi - túu pée
hill - ts'àkix
him - áakh
hooting owl - thkwalaà
horse - ts’ìxi-mahái
hot - thúu
house - wìli
house board - wìli-heelám
how - kwì
how many - míxal
how many? - míxalti
how much - míxal
how much? - míxalti
how? - kwìti
however - yaxaàwa
huckleberry - keléx
hunger - páanx
I - kíi
I am - eyíthe’
ill - tats’ámx
in - kanáu
in (the) winter - lephnìxa
in autumn - tayoowkàmxa
in back of - kitiì'
in front of - keté
in no way - ànii’ kwì
in summer - samàxa
in the day - pée'n
in the fall - tayoowkàmxa
in the middle - hapiní
indoors - apai-
ink - seèl
inside - apai-
inside - kanáu
into - kanáu
it - áakh
It’s Cold - Tʰkuuniyaù’ It is cold Pronounced: t-goon-ih-YAH-OO English part of speech: Sentence | Takelma part of speech: Sentence
jackrabbit - hoowú
kingfisher - séel
knife - wayá
ladder - kàk'an
lake - t'akám
lamprey - xtáan
land - thkáa
large - mahái
leaf - laàph
leather - séen-kweltí
leg - kwèlx
lip(s) - teèx
living - yòthi
long - páals
lunch - hapeepiní-xumá
many - kwalá
many things - khài kwalá
manzanita - loxóm
maternal aunt - xakàxa
me - kíi
moccasin - péels
mom - níxa
month - pixál
moon - pixál
morning - kwel’wáakhwi’
mortar stone - p’eès
moss - píils
mother - níxa
mountain - sówm
mountain lion - húulkh
mouth - téex
mucus - xíin
mud - pòxumaa
mudcat - sinkhwak'waà
muscular - yúukh
mush stirrer - sümxí
mushy - k’ulsáth
name - khweteì
narrow - salt’aì
near - ta’ól
needle - yeexí
net - láan
net weight - tán
new - k’wàl
news - lìpin
night - xuù’n
nighttime - xuù’n
nine - ha'iikó
nineteen - ìxtiil ha'iikó katákʰ
ninety - ha’iikokatàn ìxtiil
no - híith
no how - ànii’ kwì
no one - ànii' nekh
nobody - ànii' nekh
noon - hapeepiní
nose - siníix
not - ànii'
not - wète
not? - ànti
nothing - ànii' khái
nothing - pilám
now - póow
nowadays - póow
nowhere - ànii’ kwì
oak - kulám
ocean - hülǘün
off - hee'-
old - woownaàkhw
older sister - thópxa
on top of - katákʰ
one - miì’ska’
one hundred - t’eimì’s
orange - almolhíth
otter - pomxí
outdoors - pai-
outside - pai-
over - kitíi
paddle - sümxí
paint - seèl
panther - húulkh
passageway - kináx
past - hee'-
paternal uncle - xtáaxa
path - kwáan
people - yap'á
person - yap'á
pestle - noxwá
pine - yáal
pink - alts’è’ns
pipe - náax
plank - heelám
plate - p’eè'l
plaything - loowsí
plus - -(i)si'
plus - katákʰ
porcupine - ts’áan
powerful - yúukh
pretty - túu
purple - altíiph
quail - suhuù
rabbit - komhákhw
raccoon - skwiní
rain - nóox
rainbow - kós
rapids - sakálx
rat - thkwélkhw
rattlesnake - thkúum
raven - xém
red - alts'íl
red deer - yiikháth
relation - kwi’neì
relative - kwi’neì
river - kelám
road - kwáan
roasting spit - k’àma
robin - skwakwákhw
rock - tán
rock house - tán-wìli
root basket - sukwán
rotten - phún
round - altʰkeyápx
rushes - pepén
salmon - phím
salmon net - láan
screech owl - popóph
seed - páaph
seed beater - mot’óph
seven - ha'iikaà'm
seventeen - ìxtiil ha'iikaà'm katákʰ
seventy - ha’iikaà’matan ìxtiil
shaman - koyó
she - áakh
shinny ball - thpeèkhw
shinny stick - t'elá
short - taskulí
shoulder - ta’màtakwan
sick - tats’ámx
sick - xilám
six - ha’iimiì’s
sixteen - ìxtiil ha'iimiì's katákʰ
sixty - ha’iimìts’atan ìxtiil
skin - seen-
skunk - píikhw
sky - pamís
slug - p’eltá
small - háapsti
smoke - k’iyìx
smooth - althmilápx
snail - thpáalth
snake - laskúm
snow - p'aàs
soft - k’ulsáth
soil - p’ól
some - -wì’
someone - nèkh
something - khái
someway - kwisi’wàkhti
somewhere - kwìhaph
son - khapáxa
song - heèl
speech - yìwin
spider - tóowm
spoon - t'áakh
spoonful - t'áakh
spring - tepixìmth
squirrel - tháan
stick - péem
stone - tán
stop! - hà'ns!
storage basket - k’olói
store - hee'waakiyaù'-yokwá
straight - salts’unápx
street - kwáan
strong - ts’ámx
strong - yúukh
subtract - wète
sugar pine - thkál
summer - sàma
sun - pée
swan - pélpʰ
(to) here - me'-
take away - wète
talking - yìwin
tall - páals
tarweed seeds - k’ò’x
tasty - tatúu
tear(s) - yeètʰ
ten - ìxtiil
testicles - tóowm
text - seèl
thank you - tuuwuù’kʰ
that -
the going to - kináx
them - áay
they - áay
thick - súns
thirteen - ìxtiil xìpiní katákʰ
thirty - xìn ìxtiil
this - àka
three - xìpiní
throat - lüǜlix
through - han-
thunder - thkwá
to - al-
to go to - kináx
tobacco - oòwph
today - àka pée
today - póow
together - almiì’s
tomorrow - tewènxa
tongue - elá
town - wìli-kwalá
toy - loowsí
trail - kwáan
tree - péem
trout - yuùxkan
turtle - takán
twelve - ìxtiil kaà'm katákʰ
twenty - yap'amì's
twin(s) - smáakh
twisted shell - thmuukál
two - kaà’m
ugly - k’ok’ókh
ugly-looking - alk’ok’ókh
upriver - hináu
upriver from - hinwá
urine - xáan
us - kóowm
used up - pús
venison - síix
village - wìli-kwalá
wagon - eyí-thkéelxii
water -
waterfall - tiiyú
way - kwáan
we - kóowm
we are - eepíkh
wet - ts’ayálx
wetlands - k’umóy
what - khái
what? - khàti
when - hèm
when? - hèmti
where - kwì
where? - kwìti
wheresoever - kwìha
which - wakàthaa
which one? - wakàthaati
which? - wakàthaati
whirlwind - phouyámx
white - althkuì's
who - nèkh
who? - nèkhti
wide - xaamahái
wife - kúuxta
wild - taltí
wild rose berry - ts’è’ns
wildcat - yáakhw
wind - kwálth
winter - leph
wiped out - pús
with - wa
without - wákhi’
wolf - páaxtis
wood - péem
woodpecker - pàkhpaa
worker - iiheekwàkhwsii
worm - k’úls
writing - seèl
y’all - máaph
yellow - alkwàsi
yes - haù
yesterday - hoowxá
you (plural) - máaph
you all - máaph
you all are - eyíthph
you are - eyíth
young - paláw
younger sister - thawáaxa
youth - tap’aàlaw
youthful - paláw
zero - pilám

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